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Corportate Foot Massage


You use your feet... A LOT! Just image how great it would be to have someone massage all the tension and aches out of them. Refresh Bodywork provides foot massage for corporate events, retreats & office settings, customer appreciation days, trade fairs.

Everyday more and more companies are joining the corporate wellness movement by bringing massage into the workplace. Foot massage will relieve tired, aching feet, and improve motivation and efficiency. From small businesses to multi-national corporations – your employees will enjoy the convenience and accessibility of onsite massage for regular, occasional or one time visits. Massages are available in 10, 15, 20 or 30 minute durations. All massages at the event will be of the same duration, unless a person signs up for 2 time-slots in a row, in which case that person would receive a massage that is twice as long. 

Jennifer will bring her zero gravity recliner chair to your location along with some amazing peppermint massage lotion. Unscented lotion is also available upon request. All you need to do is remove anything covering your feet (shoes, socks, nylons, etc), and sit back, relax & enjoy. For sanitation purposes, Jennifer will quickly clean the feet of each client with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic prior to the massage.

Corporate Foot Massages are available in 10, 15, 20 or 30 minute sessions, with a minimum booking of 1 hour is required.


There is a minimum booking of 3 hours on weekends and after regular business hours.


Massages can be paid for:

  • by the employer

  • by the employee

  • the cost can be split between employer & employee

Payments are accepted via:

  • E-transfer

  • Cash

  • Paypal

  • Interac




How does it work?

  1. Book online (or call Jennifer if online booking is not available) to schedule a date and time for your corporate foot massage event. A deposit is required at the time of booking. This can be paid through E-transfer, PayPal or through Credit Card by phone.

  2. Prior to the event, Jennifer will email you a sign up sheet to print out, that will be posted at your office for people to sign up to receive a massage at their preferred time-slot. 

  3. On the day of your event, Jennifer will bring her zero gravity recliner chair to your office, and set up in a room of your choosing. A minimum of  3' x 9' of space is required in preferably private area.

  4. Jennifer can process the remaining balance due: as one lump sum that is paid for by the employer, each employee can pay separately, either in advance, or at the time they receive their massage or the cost can be split between the employer & employee. Payment may be made via E- transfer, Interac (Debit, Visa or MasterCard) or Cash.

  5. All employees who signed up on the sign up sheet will be required to complete a short health questionnaire prior to receiving a massage. This should be done in advance to save time.

  6. Jennifer will perform the massages according to the time slots that the employees signed up for in advance. All employees must do their best to be at the designated massage area at their allotted time to ensure that Jennifer can stay on schedule. 

  7. There will be a 5 minute break between each massage for sanitation, and in order to process payment if the employee is paying for the massage themselves and have not paid in advance.


All Corporate Foot Massage Events are scheduled for 45 minutes extra time; 30 minutes for set up and 15 minutes for take down and final payment processing. You will not be charged for this extra time. Please be prepared for Jennifer to be at your location for this extra required time as well, on the day of your event.

Please note: It is not possible for Jennifer to cover all possible contra-indicated conditions with each client. If the client is aware of any conditions they may have that might contraindicate a massage, it is the client's responsibility to bring these to Jennifer's attention before the session is conducted.

Please Note: Jennifer is NOT an RMT and her services are not covered by any insurance plans UNLESS the individuals benefit package includes individual discretionary funds, funds that the employee can use for complimentary services such as relaxation massage, nutrition counselling or health club fees.

Schedule an Appointment

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