Corporate Massage Policies,
Information & FAQ
Prior to scheduling your chair massage event, please take note of the following:
A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking to schedule an event.
This deposit is refundable if you cancel more than 48 hours prior to your event time.
Cancelling your event with less then 48 hrs will forfeit your deposit.
The balance is due on the day of service, when service is complete.
Please note that prices listed do not include GST. GST will be added.
A minimum booking of 1 hour is required within Kelowna City Limits during regular business hours.
A minimum booking of 3 hours is required for bookings outside of regular business hours.
Weekend bookings are available, but require a minimum 3 hour booking.
A 5 minute break is required between each massage for sanitation purposes and a 15 minute break every 2.5 - 3 hours, depending upon the length of the event.
Event bookings outside of the city of Kelowna require a 3 hour minimum, plus travel fees will also be charged. Travel fees will be charged as follows:
Mileage fee: $0.58/km (round trip from Kelowna City Limits)
Travel Time fee: equals the same amount as the Mileage fee.
Example: If your location is 10 km from the Kelowna city limits, the travel fee is calculated as follows:
Mileage fee (for round trip): $0.58 x 10 x 2=$11.60
Travel Time fee (for round trip): $11.60
The total Travel fee is: 11.60 + 11.60 = $23.20
*Session fees and Travel fees are subject to change*
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Corporate Massage?
Corporate Massage, also known as onsite massage, is basically massage in the workplace.It is also commonly offered at work related events, such as trade shows, conferences, company sporting events or company parties. A stress-busting chair massage or foot massage is a designed to address the stress-reduction needs of employees, and is a great way to relax, refresh and re-energize.
Jennifer, a fully trained and insured Massage Practitioner, and Reflexologist, performs a 10 - 30 minute session in your choice of a back, neck and shoulder chair massage or a reflexology foot massage.
Chair massage is well suited for all employees, especially those who spend all day sitting at a desk and working at a computer. It is performed with the employee fully clothed and seated comfortably in a specially designed chair. The seated massage session is structured to elicit a "relaxation response" in the neck, back, shoulder and arm muscles, the key area where employees experience stress from repetitive tasks like keyboarding and telephone work. Combined with soothing low-key music, a chair massage session triggers a relaxing and energizing response.
Reflexology Foot Massage is well suited for all employees, not just those who spend a lot of time on their feet. There are peripheral nerves in the feet that correlate to all areas of the body. Reflexology Foot massage triggers all of these nerves, sending a calming message from the nerves to the central nervous system, which in turn signals the body to adjust the tension level. This enhances overall relaxation, brings internal organs and their systems into a state of optimum functioning, and increases circulation, bringing additional oxygen and nutrients to cells and enhancing the removal of toxins. It has a positive affect many systems of the body including : central nervous system, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, immune, and neuropeptide systems.
How does Corporate Chair Massage differ from Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is performed by a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), a medical professional who has been trained to treat injury and provide rehabilitation after injury. Chair Massage is performed by a massage practitioner who is fully trained to relieve stress-related discomforts and induce a state of relaxation. Massage practitioners are not trained to treat injuries or provide rehabilitation. Each massage recipients is screened prior to receiving a massage. If massage therapy is required, they will be advised to seek medical attention
How much space is needed?
Space requirements are minimal:
For chair massage: a minimum 5' x 6' area is needed for Jennifer to set up her massage chair and have enough room to move around comfortably.
For foot massage: a minimum of '3 x 9' of space is required for Jennifer to set up her zero gravity chair & stool.
Do company insurance plans cover Corporate Massage sessions?
Yes and No. Corporate Massage is a preventative wellness strategy. It qualifies for coverage if the benefit package includes "individual discretionary funds", funds that the employee can use for complimentary services such as relaxation massage, nutrition counselling or health club fees. Some plans require a doctor's certificate to obtain coverage. This type of benefit is designed to address specific injuries. In this case, Corporate Chair Massage is generally not covered.
What kinds of companies use Workplace Wellness initiatives?
Any business that wants to improve the health and well-being of their employees can offer workplace wellness initiatives. The most common, are companies that involves a high stress environment. Also those with highly trained, skilled workers are offering wellness programs in the workplace to recruit and retain long term employees. There is a recognition that good employees are expensive to recruit and train and often the workplace is very stressful, so regular massage is a great incentive.
Is there a business case for a Wellness program? YES!!
Health Canada reports on its website, a return on investment of $3.40 on each corporate dollar invested in wellness initiatives. The return is in the form of reduced turnover, productivity gains and decreased sick days taken.
Research has proven that chair massage contributes to increased productivity with substantially fewer errors. The University of Miami studied the effects of a series of chair massage sessions. They determined that the massage recipients did computation tests in half the time with half as many errors as they did before the study.
Wellness initiatives attract excellent employees. Many companies use a wellness program to attract potential employees to work for their company. It is an excellent way to communicate a sense of care for the well-being of the employee. ​
What payments methods do you accept?
Corporate/Business Cheque
Are gratuities or tips expected?
Gratuities or tips are not expected, however they are an excellent way to let the massage practitioner know that they have done and outstanding job.
How does it work?
Book Online or if online booking is not available due to the time or duration of your event, please Call or Email Jennifer to schedule your corporate chair massage event. A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking. This can be paid through E-transfer to:
Prior to the event, Jennifer will email you a sign up sheet to print out, that will be posted at your office for people to sign up to receive a massage at their preferred time-slot.
On the day of your event, Jennifer will bring her specially designed massage chair for chair massage or her zero gravity recliner chair for reflexology, to your office, and set up in a room of your choosing.
Jennifer can process the remaining balance due: as one lump sum that is paid for by the employer, each employee can pay separately, either in advance, or at the time they receive their massage, or it may be split between employer & employee. Payment may be made via E- transfer or Cash.
All massage recipients will be required to complete a short health questionnaire and consent form prior to receiving a massage. This should be done in advance to save time.
Jennifer will perform the massages according to the time slots that the employees signed up for in advance. All employees must do their best to be at the designated massage area at their allotted time to ensure that Jennifer can stay on schedule.
There will be a 5 minute break between each massage for sanitation, and in order to process payment.
If you still have any questions about Corporate Massage
please feel free to contact Jennifer to inquire.